What they don’t tell you in India-China debates


What they don’t tell you when they discuss India and China as comparable superpowers is that a country is not a just its economy. Every debate on India and China presumes that a country’s future depends solely on only one indicator – a GDP figure. The culture, social psyche, historical incidents and the happiness index seems irrelevant when the two countries are discussed in black and white.

One point of view may be that GDP determines the future culture, social psyche and even historical incidents to a great extent. However, it’s no excuse. No two countries are comparable in the true sense of the word. I’ll just stick to appreciating the best of what China had to offer to my palate. And a note of caution: I won’t be comparing our foods, just because it’s not possible to do so!

Here is my best of China 🙂

Sesame seed balls, as yum as they look. Delicious desserts cooked for special occasions :) Credits and recipe: http://dessertfirstgirl.com/2007/02/chinese_year_of.html #1 Sesame seed…

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